In the three examples of God’s judgement in ancient times that we have discussed in this series, the flood, Babel and after Babel, it was the ruling elites of each era that were the biggest culprits. While the elite and powerful are still causing problems today, I want us to focus on how common folk today can easily become self-absorbed, which is the first step toward all those other things the ancients were punished for.
Is there an aspect of technology that draws us more deeply into being self-absorbed? If so, we need to be aware of its snares.
Yes, I think there is such a technology. It is — having the internet in general, and social media in particular, always accessible to us promising to satisfy us 24/7. Therefore, I want to focus the rest of our time together on this narrow aspect of our advanced technology, with its spiritual implications. The cell phones are not the problem in themselves, they are neutral and amoral.
The core problem is that satisfying self is addictive!
That is reason social media and the algorithms used on the internet are bad for us.
According to Dr. Nicholas Kardaras’ latest book called Digital Madness, there are three reasons why social media and algorithms damage the frontal lobe of our brain or hinder its development.
ONE: Satisfying self is addictive! I don’t need to convince you that many people are addicted to their cell phones; you see it every day just like I do. When compared to TV and other uses of the internet, social media (including You Tube) is in a class all its own.
It’s constantly available, and it constantly tries to give us what we want. We can choose one thing after another that gives us pleasure.
TWO: If we spend lots of time satisfying self and very little time fulfilling responsibilities, we will hinder the development of the frontal lobe of our brains – the part that is in charge of decision-making and considering consequences.
Social media is a world with no consequences; one only faces consequences when he reenters the physical world in which we live. To spend a big chunk of the time each day without consequences means that the part of our brain that deals with them becomes stunted.
THREE: The algorithms built into the internet also play toward our self-centered desires. They are designed to see what we are looking at on-line and send us more of the same. When such algorithms are coupled with social media, we end up with a group of friends or followers on-line that are very much like us. We seldom hear the other side of any issue, except when it is being ridiculed. All this feeds our self-centeredness.
Dr. Kardaras says that the addiction can be broken if the addicted person stays off their phone for a month or more. He also recommends that parents delay giving their children a phone for as long as possible.
The good news is that damage to the frontal lobe does not seem to occur if someone uses the internet for business, research, education, etc. That is because the purpose is different. It is the constant gratifying of self through entertainment that is the problem. Constantly satisfying self without having to tell yourself “no,” is not only addictive, it is destructive. It destroys the will of the individual and then it harms those around them.
The damage that entertaining ourselves with the internet is causing to our souls, our minds, and our society is impossible to measure.
Let’s not make this about others, let’s make this about us personally. I know some people will hear this and will assume that any judgment to come will be a fulfillment of Revelation, Daniel, Matthew, and I & II Thessalonians, yet it will not affect believers because we will be whisked out of here in a pre-tribulation rapture. I disagree, and I would be happy to talk about that after we are done today, or at some other time.
We cannot assume if, or when God will eliminate the tech tycoons of our day; He may allow them to continue their schemes in order to test us.
I Peter 4:17 says, “For it is time for judgment to begin from the house of God [and then moving on from there].” We cannot point the finger at others if we ourselves are guilty of not handling technology well.
God can judge in any way He wants to; He can judge the world, or specific people groups, or specific individuals. You and I are responsible for our own souls. Each of us should make sure we are not allowing technology to draw us into the temptation to be self-absorbed by constantly satisfying self.
Each of us should make sure we are not allowing technology to draw us into the temptation to be self-absorbed by constantly satisfying self.
Deuteronomy 31:20 says “when they (the Israelites) eat their fill and thrive, they will turn to other gods.” When a life is characterized by entertainment more than responsibility, it is a life that is in danger. Prosperity is more dangerous than hardship, thriving more dangerous than suffering. Ease and comfort teach us to be self-absorbed, which is the opposite of living a God-glorifying life.
We need to ask ourselves the following questions:
What am I doing with the technology available to me?
Am I using it to glorify God?
Does my use of technology take me closer to God, or further from God?
This is the last lesson in this study series; thank you for reading it.