Leviticus 11:9


This you may eat of all that is in the water: all that has fins and scales in the water, whether in the seas or in the streams, that you may eat,


These are the animals from the water that you may eat: anything that has both fins and scales and lives in a watery home, whether that be in the seas or in the streams, those you may eat,

Leviticus 11:10


but all [those] in the seas or in the streams that do not have fins and scales, [whether they be among] those teeming [animals] in the water or [among] all [other] living thing which [are] in the water, they shall be unclean.


but all animals in the seas or in the streams which do not have fins and scales, whether they are the type of animal that swims in schools or whether they are any other type of animal that lives in the water, [if they don’t have both fins and scales] they are to be isolated.


In fish, the strong tail is used for major propulsion while the fins are used mostly for direction as well as slight movements in calm waters.

Fins remind us to stay headed in the right direction. If we allow ourselves to start heading in the wrong direction, we will eventually be removed from the life-giving environment and find ourselves in the environment of death. We will be just like a fish out of water, thrashing around in the dust.


It is noteworthy that scales were required in order for fish to be considered clean. This appears to contradict other parts of Scripture where scales represented something evil.

Snakes have scales, and, while there are a few exceptions in the Bible, we usually associate snakes with the serpent of Eden, which was the embodiment of evil.

In the story of David and Goliath, the Bible tells us that Goliath’s armor looked like scales. The statement seems to indicate to the reader that Goliath was connected to, or similar to, the serpent of the Garden of Eden; he was evil.

But in the case of fish, scales are not only good, they are required. So, what gives?

The difference between fish and reptiles is their environment. The animals described in the verses shown above live in the water while snakes (and other reptiles) live on land and have a low profile, meaning they are always close to the dust.

Therefore, it seems like the true problem was dust!

The Hebrew word for “dust” also means “debris, rubble, rubbish, and ashes.” All of these are worthless leftovers from destructive processes. Even though this passage pertains to animals that live in the water, the most important word in it is a word that is not used even once, the word “dust”.

In contrast to the worthlessness of dust, water is very important; it is life-giving, it cleanses, and in certain contexts it represents abundance.

This passage does not intend to bring to mind the negative symbolism of danger and death which the sea often represented; only the positive images associated with water are intended here.

Now consider the words of Jesus recorded in Lk 11:11 (and also Mt 7:10) when he said,

Which of you is the [kind of] father who, the son asks for a fish, and instead of a fish he will give him a snake?” Here Jesus mentions both types of animals that have scales, one good and the other bad. One lives in life-giving water, the other in the post-destruction debris called dust. Jesus expected His audience to understand the difference and remember the teaching of the Old Testament food laws.

By environment I mean both the spiritual condition within each person, and the spiritual influences around each person. God will not hold responsible someone who finds themselves surrounded by negative spiritual influences if that person is purposeful about maintaining a strong relationship with God. The danger comes from placing oneself in a dangerous environment by personal choice in order to indulge in those negative influences.


In the water, scales were a symbol of protection against evil, for even in a healthy environment, there are some evils to protect against.

If something living in the water did not have the protection of scales, it was considered “isolated.” This teaches us that we always need spiritual protection, even if we don’t think we need it. In reality, when we think we are above being tempted, we are in the greatest danger of all.

However, scales in a bad setting represent protection from the influence of something good. For instance, some people are resistant to the gospel, while others mock the most important aspects of life and spirituality. People who want to continue living in a sin-filled environment don’t want to submit to God, so they try to insulate themselves against God’s influence by adopting ideologies that exclude God and excuse all types of behavior. Rather than refraining from doing things that cause guilt, they justify their actions and convince themselves that their vile deeds are honorable.


Just like fish use fins for direction, we should carefully choose what direction we are headed in for each area of our lives. These choices should be based on Biblical teaching, not on our own desires.

Just like good fish have scales for protection, we always need spiritual protection in our lives. That protection comes from hunger-driven Bible reading, God-glorifying prayer, constant personal worship, and the support and encouragement from other believers. Like a good fish, if we are in a wholesome, clean, life-giving environment and use protection against infringing evil, we are acceptable to God and a good example to others. However, if we are like bad fish by choosing to remain in an environment filled with useless things that are byproducts of destruction, we are not acceptable in God’s eyes and must be isolated from other people lest we influence them by our bad example.

Spiritual Lessons

We must learn to discern the difference between –

Uplifting environments and destructive ones,

Beneficial activities and useless activities

Healthy relationships and dangerous ones

Protective habits and enslaving habits

Entertainment that pleases God and that which pleases self.

We should ask ourselves:

“Do I stay away from activities that are useless and have no value?

Do I refuse to associate with things related to destruction and harm?

Have I created the right environment in my heart and mind – one that has been cleansed from evil influences? One that is life-giving?”