Matthew 24:24
For there will arise pseudo-Christs and pseudo-prophets,
Go to footnote numberand they will give great signs
Go to footnote numberand wonders,
Go to footnote numberso as to lead astray,
if possible,
even the chosen ones.
For false Messiahs and false prophets will come forward and they will provide people with convincing signs that supposedly confirm they are the Messiah, and they will perform amazing feats that are assumed to be miracles from God, to the point where they will lead many astray; if possible they may even lead some of the chosen ones astray.
This will be a very powerful and persuasive deception, complete with supernatural demonstrations of power. Many will be convinced and lead astray. Does the phrase “if possible” mean that a few of the chosen were, or will be, lead astray? Or does it mean that it is powerful enough to do so, but since it is not possible because of God’s protective hand, it did not happen or will not happen? It could go either. This is one of those times when your theological perspective informs your interpretation of the text.
The first part of these two words is where we get our word “pseudo” from, meaning “false, in a deceitful way.”
The disciples were asking Jesus for a sign of confirmation; this was a common thought process among the Jews. So it is no surprise that the false Messiahs would give some kind of sign that would be interpreted by the viewers as confirmation that they were who they said they were. Jesus was always reluctant to give people a sign because doing so could be manipulated. It was a game; we could call it, “I’ll give you a confirmation similar to what you wish to see, so you can give me the power I wish to possess.” Some people had gotten good at that game, but Jesus was never into games. Earlier, people were seeking a sign and Jesus said that the only sign they would receive had already been given, it was Jonah spending three days and three nights in the belly of the whale.
“Wonders, or marvels” usually meant things that were not normally possible for man to do, i.e. miracles. While it is possible to convince some people through deception, the addition of this word points toward a supernatural power that can do things no human should be able to do. This tells me that Satan was involved in making these false Messiahs seem convincing.