Troublesome Topic: What Denotes Teaching? 1 Tim 2

1 Timothy 2:12


But I do not permit a woman to teach [a man] nor to exercise authority

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over a man,

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but to be

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in calmness.


In the prayer and worship times of a local church (and in general) I do not allow a woman to assume the role of teacher or any other role of authority over her husband or another man of authority in her life, or over another man who has authority in his own family. Instead she should be calm and live in tranquility.


In the house-church setting of the New Testament, the role of a teacher was for very specific situations, and, unlike our weekly sermons, was not seen every week. It was usually a word of exhortation or a teaching in the form of a biblically based warning which was pertinent to what was going on in their group or their culture. We can be clear that it should be a man that gives this teaching.

Can we teach through sharing? Yes, I have often heard a sermon when someone gives a testimony. Were women allowed to share a testimony of what God had done or a prayer request in their meetings? We cannot be sure, but I think they were since the emphasis on this passage is on the attitude (calmness) not whether any sound was coming out of a woman’s mouth.

Whenever I have heard a sermon in a testimony, was it that person’s intent to sermonize? Usually not, but the Holy Spirit loves to use personal stories to impact others.

So should a house-church allow women, children and youth to share what they have learned in scripture and in life? Yes, in the small meetings of extended family and a few others, if done with the right attitude.

And should a house-church allow women, children and youth to respond to what they hear? Yes, in the small meetings of extended family and a few others, if done with the right attitude.


1: "authority"

This word is a compound word made up of the word “auto/self” and the word “work or do.” It is a picture of someone who works or does things of his own initiative and without any authority figure over him. He is in charge of himself and no one tells him what to do.


This word can mean “man or husband,” just like the word for woman can mean “woman or wife.”


This is the verb of being, so here the only real options are “to be or exist.” There is another Greek word for “remain,” but it was not chosen. Therefore I assume this has a general meaning and an application that is broader that the context of a time of corporate worship.