Troublesome Topic: What Do We Know about Satan?
Lesson 2 of 2The Bible does not tell us everything we wish to know about Satan, but it does give us what we need to know in order to not be deceived by him, if we are paying attention. II Cor. 2:11 says that “for we are not ignorant of his purposes.” This study series strives to make clear how Satan operates and how we can identify his voice and reject it.
The following are some very general statements showing what we can be sure we know about Satan; they set the foundation for the rest of our discussion:
~ Satan was cast out of heaven.
~ Satan has power, but it is limited power.
We should not live in fear of Satan to the degree that he is glorified by our fear. Satan has a limited degree of power because God allows him to have that power—for now.
~ Satan hates God and God’s creation, especially mankind. For this reason he opposes all that God is trying to do.
~ Satan never makes his purpose clear.
While there are things we wish God would clarify for us, He has made His major purpose clear, and has given us “everything required for life and godliness” (II Peter 1:3). Though it seems counterintuitive, God is doing what is best for us when He chooses not to reveal certain things to us. Therefore, we can trust God. But we can never trust Satan because he never makes his purpose clear.
~ Satan will take advantage of every opportunity he can find.
Satan will find any weakness he can and he will exploit it relentlessly. Satan will even use good things against us.
When Jesus had fasted for 40 days and 40 nights Satan came to Him and tempted Him with food.
~ Satan has always been a liar and the father of lies.
Jn 8:44 says
John 8:44
He has not stood in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks lies, he speaks from his own, for he is a liar and the father of it.
He (Satan) has not stayed within the bounds of truth because there is no truth found in him. Whenever he spreads a lie, he spreads it starting from himself as the originator of it; he is a habitual liar, he always lies, and cannot stop lying; he is also the originator of falsehood.
Expect Satan to deceive you and trick you. Deceit is one of his key characteristics and favorite tools. This includes all the ways in which Satan manipulates facts and twists things to his advantage.
Satan knows the Bible very well. If he used it against Jesus, he will use it against us. But he will twist it, take things out of context, or use it as something for which it was not intended.
He seldom says something that is 100% false, for that would be too easy to identify and reject. Rather he includes a little bit of truth in each lie, or he takes a given truth and twists it.
He is really good at making what he says sound like the full truth. But just like in other aspects of life we need to ask ourselves, “What is not being said that should be said?”
Nothing Satan says is 100% true. Therefore, we should not give any credence to the messages he wants us to believe, because believing them gives him power over our lives. Satan hates us, wants to ruin us, will use any advantage against us, does not reveal his intentions, and everything he says is a lie calculated to bring us down. God alone is completely trustworthy.
~ Satan is the accuser of the believers
Rev. 12:10 says:
Revelation 12:10
Then I heard a great voice in heaven saying,
“Now have come
the salvation
and power
and kingdom
of our GOD and
the authority of His CHRIST
because He has thrown
down the accuser of our brothers, the one who constantly accuses them day and night, before the throne
Go to footnote numberof our GOD.
Then I heard a great many voices in heaven saying together,
“The following things have been brought into full view and we now see them fully revealed:
The redemptive activity, the demonstrations of power, and the exercising of governance by THE CREATOR AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS whom we serve, along with THE SPIRIT-ANOINTED SAVIOR as his co-regent, to whom He has granted authority. This has become evident because He has thrown down the accuser of our brothers, the one who constantly accuses them, day and night, before the one who can punish them, that is THE CREATOR AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS whom we serve.
The word “Devil” means “accuser, slanderer, one who accuses unjustly, one who makes charges in an attempt to destroy.” Satan is not the Judge, therefore he has no right to accuse us, but he does it anyway. Accusing is what he does, and he is very good at it.
Satan will break your leg and then criticize you for limping!
God’s titles are many, because He does many things well; Satan’s titles are few because he is engaged in only a few activities.
God’s words are few and simple because He wants to be understood. Satan’s words are many and confusing because he wants to confuse.
Satan is a deceiver, a liar and an accuser. That is his character. He acts based on his character. Never believe him; never trust him.
The next lesson is Satan Uses Our Failures Against Us
A “Throne” is a picture of authority, but authority is visible only when it is used. The accuser brings accusations against God’s children trying to get God to use His power to punish us for our sinful acts. While God does punish sin, He is loving and full of Grace; He will not be enticed to punish at Satan’s discretion. God alone will determine the when and how of any punishment.