Troublesome Topic: What Makes a Spouse Sexy?
Lesson 10 of 11There is nothing more sexy to a god-fearing wife than a husband who is sensitive to the Holy Spirit and strives to meet her need for security by cherishing her above everything else except God.
There is nothing more sexy to a god-fearing husband than a wife who has spiritual roots that go down deep, is respectful, and knows how to be a team player.
As you can see, this requires that both husband and wife be on the right path. They can be at different points on the path toward spiritual maturity, but both must be headed the right direction.
However, when the conditions I just described are met, watch out! That marriage relationship will be amazing! It will be amazing in its closeness, in unity, in purpose, in its example to others and in the way it glorifies God.
The next lesson is: My Recommendations for a Marriage Get-Away
The next lesson in the topic Marriage Issues is: My Recommendations for a Marriage Get-Away