Yes, every man wanted to survive by winning his conflict, but he also wanted to win with honor. It was an honor to die fighting the right way; it was a dishonor to win the wrong way.

Many people of that time placed great value in their god of war. Such a warrior would pray to or offer sacrifices to their god of war before their first battle. If he was successful, he attributed his success to the god of war, and he would continue that same ritual each time. He would do nothing which might anger the god of war and curtail the help he had experienced in the past.

It would bring dishonor on the warrior, his officers, his army, his nation and his gods if he violated the accepted rules. They would do nothing which might give them an advantage this time but displease their god of war and thus ensure their demise the next time. Famous champions like Goliath had gained a reputation, so it was thought, by fighting in ways that kept them in the favor of their god of war.

Moreover, there could have been social pressure which fueled their desire for proper respect in society. They were probably taught that if they did not follow the basic rules of warfare, they could not receive honor from others in their society. Honor for being the right kind of warrior and champion would make it easier to find a wife, and make business deals, etc. Dishonor and disgrace would make everything in life difficult or impossible. Think of the Arab part of the world today. Disgrace is a huge motivator. Great measures are taken to avoid disgrace, and when dishonor comes to a family, great sacrifices are made to restore acceptance by the community.

For the Israelites the motivation was similar and yet a little bit different. For them it was not about displeasing a god of war, but rather about displeasing the God of the universe, Creator and owner of all things, the one who was involved in every aspect other their lives. They did not want to displease the all-powerful God while trying to stay alive, for why live if the God of creation will turn and oppose you?