Strange Story: How to Read Through the Bible and Understand Most of it
Have you read through the whole Bible only to find major parts of it confusing, frustrating, or less than palatable?
Or, have you tried to read through the whole Bible but found you could not get all of it read because certain sections of it are confusing, frustrating or less than palatable?
Or, have you not even tried to read through the whole Bible because you have heard from others that parts of it are confusing, frustrating or less than palatable?
I wish to humbly offer you a good solution to that problem. It is not a perfect solution, but I believe it is a good solution. However, I cannot take the credit for it. God gets the credit because He provided me with the insights contained in this resource.
Here Are My Recommendations
If you are adding my material to your regular Bible reading, don’t worry about trying to read through the Bible in one year. Take as much time as you need, but focus on understanding it and filling your mind with as much of it as you can. Depending on how much of my material you read, it could add considerable time to your total Bible reading experience. However, I think it will be worth it because I believe you will understand God’s word better than ever before. You will find help with the difficult sections, and you will clearly see how the Old Testament serves as the foundation of the New Testament.
Dispel any idea that just a few minutes of Bible reading per day is enough – it is better than nothing, but you really need to saturate your mind with God’s word. Set aside blocks of uninterrupted time that will give you a good opportunity to marinate your brain and your soul in God’s words to us.
Decide which version of the Bible you will read from when you are not reading something I have translated and paraphrased. If you don’t have your own copy of the Bible, you can easily get an online copy for free, or you can order one or go to a bookstore and buy one. I encourage you to do whatever you need to do to get a copy of the Bible in a format that will suit your needs well.
The Simplest Way
Before starting Exodus, read everything I have to say about the Law, found in Troublesome Topics/Covenants and Law/Former Covenant/The Law. Then read the actual Law in Exodus through Deuteronomy and continue from there.
Instead of reading them in your own Bible, read my paraphrase, or my translation and paraphrase, of the following books:
Song of Solomon
List for the Traditional Order
(If you are reading the Bible in chronological order, scroll down to my recommendations for Chronological Order below.)
Start by reading my Troublesome Topics called Why Are Parts of the Bible So Hard to Understand? (The part about the role of this website is optional.)
Read Genesis Chapters 1,2,3 from the Perplexing Passages of this website in place of your own Bible.
Next read my study topics that pertain to God’s Covenant in the time of Adam and Noah. You will find them in Troublesome Topics / Covenants and Law/ Former Covenant.
Read Genesis chapter 4.
Read my lessons about Genealogies in Troublesome Topics.
Read Genesis chapter 5.
Substitute Genesis 6:1-4 from Perplexing Passages, in place of your own Bible.
Read Genesis 6:5 through chapter 11 in your own Bible,
Read my topics on God’s covenant in the time of Abram found in Troublesome Topics, Covenants and Law, Former Covenant.
Then proceed with Genesis chapter 12 to the end of Genesis in your own Bible.
Read all my lessons about the Law found in: Troublesome Topics/Covenant and Law/The Former Covenant/The Law.
Read Exodus through Deuteronomy.
Read Joshua.
Read my Strange Stories that come from Judges.
Read Judges and Ruth.
Read my Strange Stories that come from I & II Samuel.
Read I Samuel,
Read my lessons about God’s covenant in the time of David, found in Troublesome Topics / Covenants and Law / Former Covenant.
Read II Samuel.
Read my Strange Stories that come from I Kings.
Read my lessons about the life of Solomon found in: Troublesome Topics/ Solomon.
Read I Kings
Read the Strange Stories I have lifted from II Kings.
Read II Kings
Read I & II Chronicles, Ezra & Nehemiah
Read my comments about Strange Stories from the book of Esther.
Read Esther
Read my explanations about the discourses found in Job; this is found in Troublesome Topics/Job.
Read the book of Job.
Read my lessons about how to understand the Psalms, found in Troublesome Topics.
Read the Psalms.
Read my introductory info about the Proverbs found in Troublesome Topics/Solomon.
As you read the book of Proverbs, substitute my paraphrase of 31:10-31, found in Perplexing Passages/Proverbs, in place of your own Bible.
Instead of reading Ecclesiastes in your own Bible, read my translation and paraphrase of all of Ecclesiastes found in Perplexing Passages.
Instead of reading Song of Solomon in your own Bible, read my translation and paraphrase of all of Song of Solomon found in Perplexing Passages.
Read my topic about God’s Covenant in the time of the prophets found in Troublesome Topics/ Covenants and Law/ Former Covenant.
While reading Isaiah, substitute my translation and paraphrase of Isaiah 11:6-9, found in Perplexing Passages.
While reading Jeremiah, substitute my translation and paraphrase of Jeremiah 31:31-34, found in Perplexing Passages.
Read Lamentations.
While reading Ezekiel, substitute my translation and paraphrase of several verses in Ezekiel chapter 43, found in Perplexing Passages.
While reading Daniel, insert my Strange Stories from Daniel chapters 1, 3 and 5, and substitute my translation and paraphrase of Daniel 9 and 12 in place of your own Bible.
Read the minor prophets – Hosea through Malachi.
Instead of reading the Christmas story in your own Bible, read my translation and paraphrase of Matthew 1 and 2 and Luke 1 and 2 found in Perplexing Passages.
Before reading about the ministry of Jesus, read the Strange Stories about Jesus found in Strange Stories/ New Testament.
When reading the Gospel of Matthew, substitute my translated and paraphrased verses from chapters 5, 12 and all of 24.
Before reading Matthew’s record of the trial, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, read my lessons about the New Covenant found in Troublesome Topics/Covenants and Law/New Covenant.
Finish Matthew and read Mark and Luke.
As you read the Gospel of John, substitute the portions I have translated and paraphrased from chapters 6, and 8 and 21 of John.
As you read Acts, substitute the parts of Acts chapter 2 that I have translated and paraphrased.
As you read Romans, substitute the parts of Romans 3, 6, and 8 that I have translated and paraphrased.
As you read through I Corinthians, substitute the parts of I Corinthians 7, 11, and 14 that I have translated and paraphrased.
As you read Ephesians, substitute the parts of Ephesians 5 that I have translated and paraphrased.
As you read Philippians, substitute the parts of Philippians 3 that I have translated and paraphrased.
As you read I Thessalonians substitute the parts of I Thessalonians 4 that I have translated and paraphrased.
As you read II Thessalonians substitute the parts of II Thessalonians 2 that I have translated and paraphrased.
When you read I Timothy, substitute the portions I have translated and paraphrased from chapters 2, and 3.
When you read Hebrews, substitute the portions I have translated and paraphrased from chapters 4, 9, and 10.
When you read I Peter, substitute the portions I have translated and paraphrased from chapter 3.
As you read I John, substitute the portions I have translated and paraphrased from chapter 5.
Now read my introductory material for Revelation found in Troublesome Topics under Prophecy.
Substitute my translation and paraphrase of the entire book of Revelation for what is in your own Bible.
List for Chronological Order
(For this you will need a chronological Bible or a detailed list. The list below will do, but there are more detailed lists available elsewhere. Be advised that a list that has you reading part of the Old Testament and part of the New Testament each day is not a chronological list. In the list that follows, you will read the material I have written either by substituting it for some of the readings in your chronological Bible or as comments added to your readings there.)
Start by reading my Troublesome Topic called Why Are Parts of the Bible So Hard to Understand? (The part about the role of this website is optional.)
Read Genesis Chapters 1,2 & 3 from the Perplexing Passages of this website in place of your own Bible.
Next read my study topics that pertain to God’s Covenant in the time of Adam and Noah. You will find them in Troublesome Topics / Covenants and Law/ Former Covenant.
Read Genesis chapter 4.
Read my lessons about Genealogies in Troublesome Topics.
Reading Genesis 5.
Substitute Genesis 6:1-4 from Perplexing Passages, in place of your own Bible.
Read Genesis 6:5 through chapter 11 in your own Bible.
At this point read my explanations about the discourses found in Job found in Troublesome Topics/Job.
Read the book of Job.
Next read my topics on God’s covenant in the time of Abram.
Then read Genesis chapter 12 to the end of Genesis in your own Bible.
Now read all my lessons about the Law found in: Troublesome Topics/Covenant and Law/The Former Covenant/the Law.
Read Exodus through Deuteronomy in your own Bible.
Read Joshua.
Read my Strange Stories that come from Judges.
Read Judges and Ruth.
Read my Strange Stories that come from I & II Samuel.
Read I Samuel (and corresponding parts of Chronicles).
Read my lessons about God’s covenant in the time of David, found in Troublesome Topics/Covenants and Law/Former Covenant/Joshua through David.
Read II Samuel (and corresponding parts of Chronicles).
Read my comments about how to understand the Psalms found in Troublesome Topics.
Now read the Psalms (wherever your Chronological Bible places them).
When you have finished II Samuel you will be close to the end of the life of David. At this point read my two Strange Stories from I Kings chapter 1.
At this point read my lessons about the life of Solomon found in Troublesome Topics/ Solomon.
Read the life of Solomon when your Chronological Bible tells you to do so. However, when you come to the Song of Solomon, Proverbs 31, and Ecclesiastes, read my translation and paraphrase of them instead of reading them in your Chronological Bible.
Now read the other Strange Stories that come from I Kings.
Continue with the rest of I Kings (and corresponding parts of Chronicles).
Read the Strange Stories I have lifted from II Kings.
Read II Kings (and corresponding parts of Chronicles).
Read my topic about God’s Covenant in the time of the prophets found in Troublesome Topics/ Covenants and Law/ Former Covenant.
Read my Strange Story that has to do with Obadiah
Read Obadiah, Joel, Jonah, Hosea, Amos.
While reading Isaiah, substitute my translation and paraphrase of Isaiah 11:6-9, found in Perplexing Passages.
Read Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk.
While reading Jeremiah, substitute my translation and paraphrase of Jeremiah 31:31-34, found in Perplexing Passages.
Read Lamentations.
While reading Ezekiel, substitute my translation and paraphrase of several verses in Ezekiel chapter 43, found in Perplexing Passages.
While reading Daniel, insert my Strange Stories from Daniel chapters 1, 3 and 5, and substitute my translation and paraphrase of Daniel 9 and 12 in place of your own Bible.
Read Haggai and Zechariah.
Next read my comments about Strange Stories from the book of Esther.
Then read the book of Esther in your own Bible.
Read Ezra and Nehemiah 1:1 – 13:5.
Read Malachi.
Read Nehemiah 13:6 to the end of Nehemiah.
Instead of reading the Christmas story in your Chronological Bible, read my translation and paraphrase of Matthew 1 & 2 and Luke 1 & 2 found in Perplexing Passages.
Read the Strange Stories about Jesus found in Strange Stories/ New Testament
Read about the ministry of Jesus in your Chronological Bible. However, substitute my translated and paraphrased verses from Matthew chapters 5, 12 and all of 24, Luke chapter 6, and John chapters 6 and 8.
Stop before reading about the trial, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus, and read my lessons about the New Covenant found in Troublesome Topics/Covenants and Law/New Covenant.
Now read about the trial, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus, substituting the portion I have translated and paraphrased from John 21 instead of in your own Bible.
As you read Acts, substitute the parts of Acts chapter 2 that I have translated and paraphrased.
As you read I Thessalonians, read the portion I have translated and paraphrased from chapter 4 instead of in your own Bible.
As you read II Thessalonians, read the portion I have translated and paraphrased from chapter 2 instead of in your own Bible.
As you read through I Corinthians, substitute the parts of chapters 7, 11, and 14 that I have translated and paraphrased.
As you read Romans, substitute the parts of Romans 3, 6, and 8 that I have translated and paraphrased.
As you read Ephesians, substitute the parts of Ephesians 5 that I have translated and paraphrased.
As you read Philippians, substitute the parts of Philippians 3 that I have translated and paraphrased.
When you read I Timothy, substitute the portions I have translated and paraphrased from chapters 2, and 3.
When you read I Peter, substitute the portions I have translated and paraphrased from chapter 3.
When you read Hebrews, substitute the portions I have translated and paraphrased from chapters 4, 9, 10
As you read I John, substitute the portions I have translated and paraphrased from chapter 5.
At this point read my introductory material for Revelation found in Troublesome Topics under Prophecy.
Substitute my translation and paraphrase of the entire book of Revelation for what is in your own Bible.