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Then Cornelius brought it to light,

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“four days ago, I was continually praying in my house until this hour, the ninth hour, and behold, a man stood before me in bright

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Then Cornelius (meaning unknown) clearly showed [the concealed nature] of the situation, “I had been praying in my house up until this same hour of the day, until 3 in the afternoon, when an amazing thing happened, [out of nowhere] a man was standing in front of me dressed in shining clothes.



The root of the word used here means “to shine or bring to light;” it appears to be the Greek word from which we get out English word “epiphany.”  It was also used in a general sense of “to declare or to say.” The choice of this word by the author, Dr Luke, is very interesting because it is the opposite of what Cornelius wanted to express, which was a burning, unanswered question. What Cornelius brought to light was his need to have something important brought to light.


We get our English word “lamp” from a Greek word that comes from the same root word as this one.

Cornelius Had a Burning Question

Cornelius had a deep desire to know the answer to something concealed, hidden from him. His burning question likely sounded something like this, “Does the God of Creation, as described in the Hebrew Scriptures, accept a Gentile like me?” “Can Gentiles be saved or is salvation only for the Jews?” This was similar to the type of burning question that someone in the Old Testament era would have taken to the priest and if the priest could not answer it, he would consult the Urim and the Thummim, the Light and the Completion.