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but because of the love of YHVH (read Adonai)

for you and in order to keep the oath He swore to your


YHVH (read Adonai)

has brought you out with a mighty hand

and ransomed you from the house of slavery, from the hand of king Pharaoh


Go to footnote number


rather it was because of the love of THE ETERNAL AND PERSONAL GOD for you, and in order to keep the covenant oath He swore to your ancestors (Abram, Isaac and Jacob) that THE ETERNAL AND PERSONAL GOD has used his mighty power and amazing capabilities to bring you out, and to purchase you from the place where you were owned as slaves, and from the very hand of the Pharaoh who was the ruler over THE PLACE THAT IS BOUND BY SIN.



The name Egypt means “defense, fortification, to besiege or to be besieged, to be bound or enclosed.” The Egyptians would have taken the more positive aspects of the name, in my paraphrase I take the negative aspects of it because, in Scripture, Egypt is usually associated with sin. In fact Egypt is a word picture for sin, hence my paraphrase rendering of “the place that is bound by sin.”