

Then he killed it (the bull). Then MOSHEH

Go to footnote number

took the blood and with his finger put [some] on the horns of the altar all around and purified the altar; then he poured out the blood at the base of the altar and consecrated it to make atonement for it.


Then THE RESCUED ONE killed the bull. After that he took his finger and put some of the blood on the horns of the altar which were on the four corners of the altar, and in this way he purified the altar; then he poured out the rest of the blood at the base of the altar and in this way he consecrated the altar and made atonement for it.



Moses was his Egyptian name; Mosheh was his Hebrew name. Mosheh means “drawn out” because he was drawn out of the Nile by Pharaoh’s daughter. Through this act of drawing him out she “rescued” him from death. Hence, I have rendered his name in the paraphrase column as “Rescued” because the Hebrew text actually uses the name Mosheh, not Moses.

He was given a name by his parents when he was 8 days old, and he did not get rescued from the Nile until he was 3 months old. So he already had a Hebrew name, but we don’t know what it was. The name Mosheh is the Hebrew form of the verb “to draw out, to rescue, to deliver” and it sounds similar to the Egyptian word “mose” that means “son” or “is born.” Notice the last part of the name Thutmose/Tutmoses which probably meant “son of Tut” or some say it meant “son of the god Toth.” So after the basket-baby was drawn out of the Nile, he was given a name by the princess which probably included the name of an Egyptian god, and like Thutmose probably meant “son of the of god _____.” It appears that his Hebrew name was changed at some point after he was drawn out because it fit who he was, and because they did not like his full Egyptian name.