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I am the living one,

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I was dead but behold,

I live Forever and forever.

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I have the keys of death and HADES.”

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I have true and complete life in me. I died, but, look at me, I am very much alive; in fact, I will live on through all time. And I have authority over death and the UNSEEN place of the dead.”


1: "The living one"

This title calls to mind the “I Am” that spoke to Moses at the burning bush.

2: "forever and forever"

Literally – “To the ages of the ages.” It was a way of saying that something went on and on while one generation died and the next lived and died too. Whatever this phrase was applied to was outside the natural patterns of death or decay.

3: "the keys of death and Hades"

Having the keys meant having authority over something. Death and Hades are depicted as having gates. Since Jesus has the keys to death and Hades, dying does not place someone outside His reach. Even if those in persecution were killed for their faith, they had no need to fear, for Jesus can open the gates of Hades (the place of the dead) and transport His followers to “Paradise,” the place of eternal reward. Death was the curse (singular) of sin. But Jesus can undo, or overcome the consequence of sin. Though a believer may suffer death, God transforms death into a blessing, making it the gateway into God’s very presence.