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and they continually say

Go to footnote number

to the mountains and to the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us

Go to footnote number

from the one sitting on the throne and from His face,

Go to footnote number

and from

the wrath of the LAMB,

Go to footnote number


they continually said to the strong places they have turned to for protection,

Kill us and spare us from the one who exercises ultimate authority, who will give us what we deserve according to our actions in light of His character, and from the wrath of THE ONLY EFFICACIOUS SACRIFICE



The Greek here uses “say,” but that does not agree with the rest of the paragraph. This is one of many examples in this vision in which the timing of things (expressed by the verbs) switches back and forth. The inconsistency, in a language which was precise, seems to imply that the timing of things (when they happen) is not the focus, in fact it cannot even be established with certainty. The focus is on what happens and what it means, not when it happens. For this reason I have changed it to “said” in the right-hand column.


Here the order seems backwards to us for the Greek puts the image of death before the image of sparing alive. We would say, spare us, or kill us, but don’t let us fall into his hands.

3: "face"

As you can see, a great deal is communicated by the word “face.” The face represented what was inside someone, his character, his nature, being demonstrated in an outward fashion with action being taken toward someone. Thus God’s face usually means God’s favor, or God’s punishment. In this case it is obviously God’s punishment that they fear. However, the use of the term “face” also means that they understand that their punishment is well deserved for it is based on God’s character which their actions have offended. Because of the length of the repackaging of this symbol I have separated it from the one sitting on the throne. The Greek says, “the face of the one sitting on the throne,” but the original readers would have understood all that was implied in that short phrase.


Here the Lamb is not shown as a meek and mild figure giving His life for others; that has already happened. He has proved himself the only pure and holy sacrifice for sin, thus He is qualified to judge the sins of those who have not repented. The wrath of this holy one, though described in terms of a meek and mild lamb, is something to be feared.