The impressive workmanship of the ancients did not continue.

All over the world we see some amazing things that were built or made at some point in the past, then the ability to build or make such amazing things disappeared. Whatever destroyed the builders, also destroyed their tools.

When that disappearance took place, the impressive, megalithic construction style of the ancients did not continue, rather it was followed by an inferior, unimpressive type of stonework.   This is true all over the world!

It appears that something happened to halt the transfer of knowledge from one generation to the next along with the use of the tools required to do the work.

Everyone who knew how to build in this way, seems to have disappeared.

Their work was inherited by others who simply built on top of it with inferior methods and materials.


Let’s start with Egypt. 

Let’s start with Egypt. The name Mitsraim in the Bible refers to the man, and to Mitsraim’s place **  (we call it Egypt) ** and it also means  Mitsraim’s descendants **  (the Egyptian people) ** .    Yet there are records of ancient Egyptians saying they did not build the pyramids, rather it was demigods that did it.

It appears that the rich people convinced the poor people that they were demigods and that is why there were able to do so many great things. 

Today, some people think those who built the pyramids had access to Tesla style electric energy that was unlimited and free to all.  The part of that statement which I disagree with the most is that it was free to all. I think that they probably did have some form of power that was as useful to them as electricity is to us, or close. But I think the elites made it available only to those they chose.  Even if a workman used such power in his work, I think he was not allowed to have it in his home. To assume the ruling class made the source of power available for free to all is to ignore everything we know about ancient history.

The common people did not consider themselves direct descendants of those who built the pyramids, for they were never allowed to make that claim, even though their blood-lines were partially the same. Thus, when God punished the nobility for their arrogance, godlessness and mistreatment of others, the knowledge needed to build amazing things  was lost, but the peasant class was spared.

After God’s destruction of the ruthless leaders and their tools was finished, those descendants of Mitsraim whose blood was mixed, returned to Egypt and inherited the pyramids, statues and obelisks we see there today.

The most ruthless among the survivors became their rulers and put their names on the things they inherited. When you hear someone say that everything with the Rameses Cartouche on it was made by Rameses the great, don’t believe it, for it is considered common knowledge that he put his name on everything he could find, and we have found pieces that were in the process of having one set of carvings rubbed off so they could be replaced by other carvings.

What’s more, those who returned may have wanted to separate themselves and not claim a close association with the ones whom God punished for their arrogance.

The Pharaohs returned to building things with bricks because they no longer had the option of building with large stones. .


Consider the temple complex at Baalbek, Lebanon.

The establishment says that everything in this complex belongs to the Roman era because all the temples in the temple complex are temples of Roman gods – The names of the temples may be hard to read in this image, so I will use an arrow to point to their names, they are the temple of Jupiter here, Venus on the far right, and Bacchus here. We will focus our attention on this end of the structure where there is something called the Trilithon.

The term Trilithon refers to these three huge stones in the foundation of the temple to Jupiter which was built on top of them. The three large stones are the highest level of large stones in this platform; They are approximately 750-800 metric tonnes each. They are not sitting on the ground level; they had to be raised several meters above the ground.

There are other large stones at Baalbek, just not as heavy as the trilithon.

Yet most people talking about Baalbek hasten to say something like, “How the Romans moved such large stones remains a mystery.” At 750 tons, these could not have been moved by human power or animal power alone, There is no way. 

Therefore, there is a growing number of people who think the Romans did not cut and move the trilithon, rather they inherited the foundation platform which includes these three massive stones, and others about half their weight, and built their temples to Roman gods on top of them. The Romans never claimed the capability in megalithic construction because they had learned how to use concrete. The Colosseum in Rome is an example of their concrete construction work.

Notice that the foundation platform is of a different cutting style than the temple they put on top of it. It also looks more weathered.  Thus, the temple was Roman, but the foundation platform was NOT ROMAN.


Now let’s consider the work of King Herod the Great.

You are familiar with the retaining wall of Herod’s expanded temple complex, known as the Western wall, or the wailing wall. The largest stone in its foundation is 46 feet long, 10 feet hi and 10 feet wide. It weighs approximately 415 short tons. Other stones that can be seen from the tunnel are estimated at 350 short tons and 325 short tons.

By comparison, the largest stones at Stonehenge are 40 short tons, only one tenth the size of the largest one in the Western wall. 400 plus tons is enough weight to crush logs or any other wooden structure used while attempting to move these stones.


Before I go on, allow me to describe what I consider to be the Biblically accurate history of those huge stones.  First of all, I need to make it very clear that nothing survived the world-wide flood unless it was on the ark. Every inch of land was scrubbed clean and then covered in sedimentary deposits that turned to stone. I selected several places for which I added up the totals from the Iso patch maps for each mega sequences of the flood and the places I chose came to totals between 3000 and 4,500 meters of sedimentary rock left by the flood. So ignore all claims of Pre-flood this, or Antediluvian that. All such claims are impossible.

I am convinced that the largest stones in the foundation of the Western Wall, the ones weighing 325 to 415 short tons each, were cut and moved shortly after the Tower of Babel.

Notice that the huge stones rest on top of smaller ones. These large stones were originally placed on, and still rest on top of, 12 courses of stone that go down 45 feet below the current plaza.  The bottom course is said to be 50 feet wide.

But these stones were abandoned  before the project was completed, just like other huge stones all around the world were abandoned. One way or another, dirt filled in around these megaliths leaving only the tops exposed. 

King David conquered Jerusalem, the city of the Jebusites, and made it his capital. It was a medium size city, with a city wall.  Mount Moriah was outside of the city to the North and those large stones were still there, down a little ways from the top of the hill. Those stones were not for a high place because they were not at the top of the hill, so they may have been intended for a city wall to go around the hill.

Solomon expanded the city to include Mount Moriah, the site David had chosen for the temple, and he built city walls around the new section of the city. His three palaces are usually assumed to have been just down hill from the temple, and toward the city of David. During Solomon’s day, those big stones remained partially buried outside of the city, unused because they were too big to move.

I Kings 7:10 tells us that the larger stones Solomon used for the foundation of the temple and his three palaces were 10 cubits long and 8 cubits long. He used the old cubit for these projects, meaning that his foundation stones were 17 feet and 13 and a half feet in length. I will not try to guess at a weight for those stones because we do not know the width and height, but we can assume their width and height were good matches for their length.

I Kings 7:9 tells us that they were cut to size. This can mean cut to fit one specific place and only that place, or all cut the same size. If Solomon wanted to make a name for himself, and it appears that he did, then he would have come as close as he could to reviving the ancient art of megalithic construction, which cut each stone to fit in its place alone.

It seems safe to assume that above those foundation stones, and in other projects, Solomon used some smaller stones which were still heavy and impressive, but manageable.

However, he also knew that megalithic construction had long been associated with pride and divine judgment, so he used simple, we would say primitive, methods for cutting and moving stones of a few tones, possibly up to 20 or 30 tons each, but he did not invent power equipment, nor did he try to move the massive stones laying just outside the city walls.

So, where are the stones Solomon used?

We read in the Bible that the Babylonians tore down the temple, stone by stone, and I believe they dismantled Solomon’s palaces as well, one stone at a time, leaving much rubble which was hard to move or do anything with.

They may have planned their demolition in a way that would facilitate pushing those stones partway down the hill figuring that, if moving a multi-ton stone a short distance is hard, moving it up hill is several times harder.

When Zerubbabel returned from Babylon to rebuild the temple, he could do nothing more than move rubble away from essential areas and build using normal techniques. That is one of the reasons that the old-timers that could remember Solomon’s temple wept aloud when they saw the foundations of its replacement being laid (Ezra 3:12) – they could tell from the foundations alone that this one would be nothing like the one that Solomon had built with large stones, each cut to fit only in its place.


King Herod the Great wanted to make himself look good, and (hopefully) give the hot-headed Jews a reason to like him (at least a little bit) so he decided to rebuild the temple with an expanded courtyard. To expand the courtyard, he needed to extend the flat top of the hill the temple sat upon. For that he had to build a huge retaining wall to hold the rocks and dirt serving as fill.

I think King Herod’s engineers could not move the huge stones resting there since shortly after Babel, but he realized he could extend the temple mount in such a way as to use those old stones as foundation stones for his retaining wall on that side. So that is why we see stones in the foundation of the Western Wall ranging from 325 to 415 short tons.

But he could move the smaller stones which Solomon had used on top of the foundation stones and for other projects. I believe the part of the Western Wall that is still exposed today, called the Wailing Wall, was made of those “smaller” stones. In the “Wailing wall” today we can see lots of small and medium size stones, some long stones, and just a few really long stones. I am convinced that those really long stones were barely manageable for Herod’s engineers.

Why do I think that King Herod the Great could not build with megalithic construction methods?

Most other people say that Herod built everything associated with the Western wall, so why do I disagree? Thanks for asking.

If Herod could build using stones of 300 or 400 tons, we would probably see examples of it in the lower section of the Herodian, and in other places such as his palace. If you can do something that impressive, you don’t keep it a secret! But we don’t see any such stones anywhere else in Israel.

And If he could pull off massive level megalithic construction, Caesar would have called him to Rome to build for him there. But no such invitation was given.

Instead Caesar had to be happy with attempts at bringing Obelisks and statues across the Mediterranean sea from Egypt knowing their record was a 50% success rate.

Also, If Herod could build with stones weighing 415 tons, and make the foundation look clean, straight and impressive, why are the stones above them characterized by a poor fit and a crude, unfinished appearance?

Some even have mortar between them – Oh NO! That’s terrible!  Actually, I’m serious – megalithic builders never used mortar. This may have been a repair done much later, but if megalithic construction was done right the first time, the need for repairs would have been much less likely as is seen in the “small” stones of the Western wall which have lasted a long time.

Even if some repairs were needed down through the years, we would expect more consistency than this. The walls in these tunnels show zero consistency – some huge carefully cut stones, and then mostly small, rough stones.

In fact, in all the photos I see of the inside of those tunnels, most of the stones look rough and crude, yes, some stones are over one ton, most  of which are rough, like the ones on the sides of this passage way, but a few are smooth, like the ones on the ceiling.

However, the great big ones stand out for how well they were finished. They show a little bit of wear, but not as much as others around the world, that is what makes me think they spent most of their time buried in dirt until Herod uncovered them and cleaned them up to make his walls look more impressive.

I assure you that the same man was not in charge of the cutting and placement of the large stones, and also the cutting and placement of the smaller ones.

King Herod seems to fit the pattern we have seen elsewhere – he inherited the 300 and 400 ton stones and simply built on top of them.