1 Corinthians12:3

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Therefore, I make known to you that no one who is speaking in the Spirit of THEOS says “JESUS is laid up [for destruction],

Go to footnote number

and no one is able to say “JESUS is Lord” if not in the Holy Spirit.  (See comment below.)


That is why I want to make it clear to you that no one whose speech is guided by the Spirit of THE CREATOR AND OWNER OF ALL THINGS says, “the one called SALVATION COMES FROM THE ETERNAL AND PRESONAL GOD is under a curse and will be destroyed;” likewise, no one can say “the one called SALVATION COMES FROM THE ETERNAL AND PERSONAL GOD is my Lord,” (and mean it) unless he is being guided by the Holy Spirit.  (See comment below.)



The clause “laid up for destruction” is the way they expressed the idea of being “cursed with death.” It was the Greek equivalent of the Hebrew word which means “something devoted to God” which in turn meant “something devoted to God for destruction.” If an animal was “devoted to God for destruction” it could not be redeemed but must be slain. If a person was “devoted to God for destruction” it meant that punishment via the death penalty was unavoidable and must be carried out.

Who or What Is Holding the Reins of Your Life?

The thing or person that holds the reins of our lives becomes evident by our words and our actions. Whereas previously the Corinthians had been seduced and led astray to allow the worship of senseless idols (and the demons behind those idols) to lead them, Paul now wanted them to be guided and empowered by the Spirit of God. Through this example Paul was telling them that all our words should be guided by the Holy Spirit; this set the stage for circling around to deal head-on with the issue of speaking in tongues.