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Now the one who has been struck with a skin disorder

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and in whom the recognizable mark of the plague exists, his clothes shall be torn, his head shall be loosened of its restraints, and he shall cover his mustache. He must cry “Unclean!” “Unclean!”


Now the one who has been struck with a skin disorder and in whom the plague spot is found, must show proper signs of grief and repentance – he must tear his clothes; he must let his hair become unkempt, wild and disheveled, and he must cover his upper lip. When in public he must also shout, “Watch out!” “Be careful! [Don’t act like I did!]”



I have rendered this word “struck with a skin disorder” because it has two major emphases, one has to do with having a visible skin disorder and the other is the idea of being struck, the implication is, by God. This points to the fact that this happened as a direct punishment for sin and as a warning pointing to the need for repentance.